Ancient Weapons are headed to Bless Unleashed in the spring release

Posted by myadmin on February 27, 2021 in Bless Unleashed |

As we get closer to Bless Unleashed‘s spring update, Bandai Namco is dropping bits of information about what players can expect. A recent post from the game’s developers highlights one of the features that will be included in the update — Ancient Weapons. These are the game’s first S Class weapons, and can only be obtained with serious effort on the part of the player.

According to Round 8 Studios, Ancient Weapons are S Class weapons that are headed to the game, and will require a ‘serious investment’ to earn them. In order to find them, players will have to find clues that will lead you to a Cursed Ancient Weapon, a guardian of the weapon, and someone who will eventually be able to help you lift the curse on that weapon.

Like the Spear of Salvation update,the upcoming Spring Update is going to introduce some rather exciting new content to the game. There’s is the new Abyssal Dungeon and changes to the Dungeon system. To be introduced too is a new tier of weapons that can be received as rewards from quests. Players can even try their hand at fishing and join fishing tournaments.

Round 8 said that the Spring Update is set to “focus on a few of these major players in the world of Lumios.” That means players get the chance to learn more about Mokoro and Krista. They even get to learn as well the stories of Professor Orfina and the desert elf Delilah.

When the update launches, players will have to hunt down clues in order to find a Cursed Ancient Weapon and its guardian. The guardian, who is a member of a race known as the Lumios, will help with lifting the curse and increasing the weapon’s power. According to the post, this process could take months to find the weapon and increase it to full power. So, this is a challenge everyone can look forward to grinding.

The world of Lumios is rich with lore, and there are many interesting characters who are seeking that knowledge. We’re introducing a series of new epiode quests into Bless Unleashed in our Spring Update that will focus on a few of these major players in the world of Lumios. Players will be able to complete these story based episode quests to learn more about Krista and Mokoro, industrious ippins and leaders of the Golden Key Traders, the outcast desert elf Delilah, and Professor Orfina, who is a powerful ally against the darkness. These quests will reveal more about these motivations of these characters and enrich the main Bless Unleashed story– but are not required for progression. is the leading marketplace for trading Bless Unleashed Currencies. Buyers are guaranteed delivery, and sellers are fully protected against payment fraud. Our traders are real gamers, and we do not support the use of scamming bots. Buy Cheap Bless Unleashed Star Seeds/Gold/Lumena now, and get the best deals today!


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