This quick guide will teach you how to make a perfect shot in NBA 2K21

Posted by myadmin on December 29, 2020 in Uncategorized |

You find yourself with the ball a lot in NBA 2K21, but sometimes it can be difficult to actually hit shots with any kind of consistency. This can be down to a few reasons; it could be the fact that your stats just aren’t good enough for the type of shots you’re taking (shot selection) or it could be that you just aren’t timing/aiming the shots correctly. This quick guide will teach you how to make a perfect shot in NBA 2K21.

‘NBA 2K21′ is slightly different than its predecessors. Even veterans of the game may throw the ball to the audience if they don’t understand how the new shooting mechanism works. That said, here are some tips on how to be a lethal shooter in ‘NBA 2K21,’ as told by its very own developer, Mike Wang of 2K.
nba 2k21 shooting
General Tips
As ‘NBA 2K21′ hit the stores worldwide last September, Wang, the gameplay director of the franchise, shared a few tips on how to be a better shooter on his Twitter.

He tweets, “Shooting tips for 2K21:

  •     Tap the left trigger at the ideal release time for a boost.
  •      If you’re using the Shot Button, turn off Shot Meter for a boost.
  •      Green release is harder this year, be patient OR turn off Shot Aiming if you want Shot Timing on Pro Stick like last year.”

While the classic method of shooting is many people’s go-to, this year 2K introduced an aiming mechanic to shooting. Instead of relying on timing, this leans heavily on a player’s ability to aim the shot with the right stick. To begin shooting this way, just hold the right analog stick down.

If you’ve played any previous games in the series, it’s quite evident that shooting controls have been completely revamped. You need to work on aiming the shots properly otherwise get ready fof a cold shooting night.

NBA 2K21 Pro Stick Shooting Tips
If you’re keen on using the Pro Stick aiming options – which are turned on by default – then you’ll need to practice and get used to the way this mechanic handles. Learning how the system plays out and responds to your inputs is vital. Here are some key tips:

  •     Pull the Right Stick down: the meter starts close to the center, not to the left or right, so correct for that.
  •     Once pulled back, nudge the Right Stick left or right a little to correct your angle. Try to make your hands as steady as possible.
  •     You don’t need to manually shoot – focus on your aim and keeping your hands steady and the player works out the rest automatically.
  •     You get it right you get a bigger boost if you time your shot correctly with the trigger.

More than anything else, simply getting used to how the game feels and works in this year’s iteration is going to help you in NBA 2K21. Don’t be afraid to practice in the relevant modes, and take breaks when it gets a bit too frustrating!Then you can go to to get an easier way to win the game.



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