World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic had reduced price for character cloning

Posted by myadmin on May 18, 2021 in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic |

At the very beginning of the coming summer, June 2, 01:00 Moscow time, the official release of the “The Burning Crusade Classic” add-on for MMORPG World of Warcraft Classic will take place, and brave heroes will have the opportunity to go to meet new achievements. Initially, however, a pre-patch will be available to users.

Recall: initially, users were supposed to pay $ 35 for using the function, i.e. over PLN 130. However, such a high amount did not appeal to the fans who argued that it was “crazy”. The outrage was intensified by the fact that the option was free on the test servers.

Blizzard responded to the criticism. In an entry on the studio forum, the company’s representative announced that it was decided to reduce the price by more than half – now the service will cost $ 15, i.e. about PLN 56.

On the official forum, Blizzard explained that it originally based this price “on the value of other optional items and services”, but that it received the message received from the community in a straightforward manner. The new price for cloning, therefore, will be 15 €; the service will be activated starting next week, along with the pre-patch for Burning Crusade Classic.

With Burning Crusade, it is well known that not only Outland challenges awaited all Azeroth heroes at the time, but also a previously neglected area was the focus of the first WoW expansion. In the Deadwind Pass of the Eastern Kingdoms, we found Karazhan, the first 10-player raid of the TBC era.

The creators emphasize that copying users’ charges is a new endeavor for Blizzard. They explain that in determining the original value of the solution, they were guided by the prices of optional items and other services offered in network production.

Due to the high level of the opponents, however, you should have very good equipment with a decent hit rating. Consumables or even world buffs cannot do any harm either. Some classes / specializations should also join forces with other players, which makes the battles against the high-level villains much easier.

The update will be released in a few days, on May 19, at the same time players will need to decide on the future of their characters, choosing between the classic era and a journey to Outland, and the Deluxe editions of the expansion will go on sale.

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